Italo Calvino

       Dante discusses how one's imagination can carry them away from the present world. The passage says, "O imagination, you who have the power to impose yourself on out faculties and our wills, stealing us away from the outer world and carrying us off into an inner one, so that even if a thousand trumpets were to sound we would not hear them," (82). Our imaginations possess the ability to create an entire different world in which one controls every aspect. We can become so detached from reality as we venture deeper into our imaginary world.
             Dante talks about the two different aspects to imagination. He says "one that starts with the word and arrives at the visual image, and the one that starts with the visual image and arrives at the verbal expression,"(83). We may start with an idea in our minds and then incorporate it in a piece of art work, movie or book. On the other hand, one may encounter this idea and their imaginations will begin to interpret it differently thus creating new perceptions. For example, everyone has a paradise that they have made up in their heads, and also a guess of what heaven is like. Although two people have a fantasy world, no two worlds are the same. Everyone has a different view of what they find to be perfect creating different outlooks in life.
      Some may say that our imagination is strongest in our childhoods because of our innocent views on the world. However, I believe that as we grow older and mature our imagination matures as well. We use prior experiences to help improve our imagination. Our imagination transforms from a magical world to a place full of possibilities. We now possess the skills to turn these imaginations into reality.


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