Postmodernism Project

                In the piece of artwork from the denotative view, there is a man driving in the car without a head. It is from the view point of someone sitting in the back seat of the car. Above the car, the sky is galaxy like with blues, purples, and white in the sky. There are also many stars in the sky. In the front windshield, there is a blurred street with trees on either side. Also, there are hot air balloons floating and a street sign with many different places all of the world listed. In the review mirror there is a black spiral design. In the side view of the window of the car, there are many different colors and shapes that begin to blur as they reach the sides of the page. 
               In the connotative and idealogical sense, the fact that this painting is from the view point of the driver in the car who is headless, it takes you on a journey through their mind. The sky is nice and calm showing a sense of peace in the bigger picture of life. The street signs show a desire to travel and explore, but confusion on where their life is taking them because of the blurred trees. The designs on the side windows feels like the rhyme of music being played by the radio and a distraction from what is happening. Lastly, the guy driving is in a sense of amnesia of what has previously happened in his life due to the fact that when he looks back in the review mirror all he sees is a black and white spiral design. 

              "Driving is a spectacular form of amnesia. Everything is to be discovered, everything to be obliterated."


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