The Whole Ball of Wax

         In the article The Whole Ball of Wax by Jerry Saltz, Saltz discuses arts impact to individuals and the world around them. Yes, in the direct sense art can not cure global warming, cancer, hungry or poverty. However, the article states that "art is part of a universal force. It has no less purpose or meaning than science, religion, philosophy, politics, or any other discipline," (1). Art usually comes in form of a painting, drawing, billboard, or sculpture,  so in the visual sense, no art does not have the power to change the world. But if you look at a piece of artwork in a more creative and emotional way, art has influenced us all in one way or another. It could be the way we dress, books we read, the houses we live in, or even the food we eat. Art influences the choices we make daily.
         Art is used as a medium through which everyone interprets differently. It can evoke many different thoughts and feelings inside every individual. It is stated that "when we look at art, we're not only looking at it; we're also looking into and through it, into and through the paint, pigment, canvas, or whatever to something else. You're not only seeing yourself and the mind of the maker; in some metaphysical but organic way you're seeing the group mind, and even all the minds that have ever lived,"(2). It is not the piece of art in its self that is protesting, challenging social norms, curing cancer, or fighting global warming. It is the reactions of the people who view it and how they interpret what the artist is trying to share through his creation. Art has the ability to cause us to think, question, act, and change society and the world.
       Lastly, art can act as an escape from reality. Gerber says that art can be "a vacation from the self," (2). This thought stood out to me because artists are able to journey to a whole other world while creating their art, blocking out the outside distracts and focusing completely on what is at task. When others take the time to view the art and look within the paint marks, they can see where the artist was coming from while creating this piece. Art is a form of communication to tell a story or share an idea without using words. It's up to us to study art and act on our interpretations.



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