Colors podcast

        In this podcast, they discuss how everyone views color differently. It could be that their eyes that are viewing the color differently, or the way that their mind interprets and determines what is being viewed. I thought it was very interesting how they talked about a grape. They asked the question whether or not the grape is the same color for everything on earth, every individual, cat, horse etc. I believe that everyone perceives color differently, and for this reason people have different personalities and interests. For example, the image that I see in my head for green may be completely different than what you see. However, we were both taught when we were younger to associate this image with the word green.
         Most people take for granted the fact that they can see colors for about 10% of all males are actually color blind. This fact shocks me because I could never imagine a world that was completely black and white. I feel like it would be a world that was quite boring. I found it interesting how they discussed the fact that Gladstone believed that in the past Greeks were colorblind. Gladstone thought this because there was no actual greek word for color. This thought made me question how Gladstone then thought we evolved and developed the ability to eventually see color.
        At the end of the podcast, they talked about the difficulty to see colors without a name. Now we are taught when we are young about the rainbow and the names of different colors. Everyone knows that the sky is blue, that grass is green, and that dirt is brown. But, what would we do if we had never came up with words for each color? How would we differ ate one color from another one if everyone perceives it differently? This podcast made me look deeper into colors throughout the world around me, being more grateful for what I was capable of seeing.


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