
            According to the reading, postmodernism paved way for a different perspective on art. Instead of artwork being realistic, it now had a more creative combination of ideas. For example, on the the first page the girl is no longer only dancing, but she now has multiple arms, and is play the guitar, and drum. Postmodernism is also present in music as many songs now contain multiple genes and styles. I find it interesting that in the past it may be viewed as wrong or strange to cross genres, but now in today's society it is good to be different and creativity is praised.
           The world's cultures, rituals, races, music and traditions are all intertwining creating new societal norms, and opening up the way for new possibilities. This allows for people to have a better understanding of others and there culture. It also paved the way for new innovations in the world of  media, advertising, art, and speech.
          I was a little confused however in Jameson's view of Postmodern city-dwellers. According to Jameson, these people are "alienated and living in an hallucination, an exhilarating blur, a reality evaporated into mere images, spectacles, and strange new warps in time and space". This thought confused me, because I thought that Postmodernism opened up ways for new ideas, and did not keep people trapped. I also did not understand how the Death of the Real affected the government. The tribes are not losing all their traditions and morals, they are just adapting to modern times. I feel that evolution needs to occur to stay on track with our changing society.


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